
Make key decisions with benchmark reporting

Compare across key metrics like seated guest activity, spend, and reviews all in OpenTable.

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Leverage our network for benchmark reporting

Keep a pulse on how other local restaurants are performing

  • Tap into our industry knowledge and vast network of nearly 60,000 restaurants globally
  • Benchmark with aggregated and anonymised data from other local OpenTable restaurants, with a minimum of 25 restaurants in any set neighbourhood

Gain an overview with benchmarking

Easily compare your restaurant’s performance to other local leaders

  • Quickly compare top-line metrics like like seated guest activity, spend, and reviews
  • Dig into specific comparisons on seated guest activity or no-show trends
  • Uncover gaps and successes in performance, then quickly navigate to other OpenTable tools to take actions for improvement.

See how your restaurant compares locally with Benchmark Reporting

The largest, most valuable guest network
Connect to guests when you need them most, so you can maximise revenue and repeat business.

Tap into our network for local benchmarking
Keep a pulse on how other restaurants are reopening and performing in your neighbourhood

Use one overview with benchmarking for decision making
Easily see how your performance compares, then take action on gaps and successes

Get started with Benchmark Reporting

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