From exclusive chef’s tables and tasting menus to ticketed events, Experiences are a way to showcase the best your restaurant has to offer. When you offer Experiences on OpenTable, you unlock new ways to attract guests and drive more revenue.
Customise everything from turn times to ticket prices, and easily manage your Experiences all in one place.
Get your Experiences in front of guests when they’re actively looking for unique dining options with marketing channels that guarantee a return.
Maximise revenue by offering events on and off premises, from tastings and special menus to themed parties and masterclasses.
Prepaid Experiences help ensure guests show up for their bookings.
Generate revenue upfront—perfect for covering fixed costs and keeping cash flow strong.
Be featured across OpenTable’s marketing channels, from web and email to our app and social media.
Turn first-timers into regulars, and regulars into VIPs with tools to recognise and reward loyalty.
Manage everything in one place—from marketing to floor plans to payments—saving you time and hassle.
Free and prepaid reservations
Generate revenue upfront with prepaid bookings or let guests pay at the restaurant
Ticketing New
Sell events that aren’t tied to table availability
Variable pricing
Offer flexible pricing options per person or party
Customisable turn times
Plan unique experiences without disrupting regular service
Advanced booking controls New
Set booking cutoffs and release tables reserved for Experiences to standard dining automatically
Adjustable floor plans
Manage your Experiences bookings with unmatched flexibility and ease
Seamless booking modifications
Easily add guests to a booking and charge for the difference
Detailed invoices
Break down reservation changes with a detailed invoice
Scheduled releases New
Set up Experiences in advance and schedule them to launch
Customised policies New
Create tailored booking policies and terms & conditions for unique Experiences
Free and prepaid reservations
Generate revenue upfront with prepaid bookings or let guests pay at the restaurant
Ticketing New
Sell events that aren’t tied to table availability
Variable pricing
Offer flexible pricing options per person or party
Customisable turn times
Plan unique experiences without disrupting regular service
Advanced booking controls New
Set booking cutoffs and release tables reserved for Experiences to standard dining automatically
Adjustable floor plans
Manage your Experiences bookings with unmatched flexibility and ease
Seamless booking modifications
Easily add guests to a booking and charge for the difference
Detailed invoices
Break down reservation changes with a detailed invoice
Scheduled releases New
Set up Experiences in advance and schedule them to launch
Customised policies New
Create tailored booking policies and terms & conditions for unique Experiences
Jamie McCarthy
Managing Director & Founder
Crudo, Sandymount, Dublin
Weekend Roast
Morrison Grill at The Morrison Hotel, Dublin
Tasting Menu by Louis Wishart
Margadh Food & Wine RHA Gallery, Dublin
Early Bird Menu
Opium Restaurant, Dublin
Domini Kemp
CEO Valence Hospitality, Dublin
OpenTable Experiences are bookable events you can easily customise. They help you promote everything from seasonal set menus to masterclasses.
All our plans (Core, and Pro) include access to OpenTable Ticketed Experiences. Learn more about plan pricing and what’s included in each plan.
Yes. Whether it’s a ticketed event like a class or wine tasting or a special menu, you can offer customised Experiences.
You can offer them as prepaid events to generate revenue upfront and streamline service or have guests pay at the restaurant—it’s up to you.
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